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Glass Vase Bouquet
380 د.إ – 630 د.إ
Happy Day is a Glass Vase Bouquet. This Bouquet comes in three Variants, Shown, Deluxe and Premium. This Bouquet consists of Roses and Lilly which all arranged in a glass vase.
310 د.إ – 725 د.إ
Inspiration is a Glass Vase Bouquet. This Bouquet comes in three variants, Shown, Deluxe and Premium. This Bouquet consists of Pink Roses and White Lilly which all arranged in a glass vase.
389 د.إ – 704 د.إ
Mix Flowers with Vase is a Glass Vase Bouquet. This Bouquet comes in three variants, Shown, Deluxe and Premium. This Bouquet consists of Lilly, Rose, Gerbera, Chrysanthemum, and Fillers which all arranged in Glass vase.
273 د.إ – 399 د.إ
My Romance is a Glass Vase Bouquet. This Bouquet comes in three variants, Shown, Deluxe and Premium. This Bouquet consists of Premium Red Roses which all arranged in a Glass vase.
315 د.إ
Ramadan Special is a Glass Vase Bouquet. This arrangement comes only in one variant, Shown. This arrangement consists of Yellow Roses, Yellow Cymbidium, Greenery, and Ramadan Message Stick which all arranged in Glass Vase.
361 د.إ – 438 د.إ
Romantic Affection is a Premium Vase Bouquet. This Bouquet comes in three Variants, Shown, Deluxe and Premium. This Bouquet consists of Rose, Hydrangea, and Cymbidium all arranged in Premium Vase.
Original price was: 490 د.إ.404 د.إCurrent price is: 404 د.إ.
The Shining Uniqueness
An amazing Flower arrangement. Our Best florist has designed this in High Spirits, Combining the hues of selected flowers to elevate the mood of its receiver.